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About Blitz Dog Training

​​If you're ready to get down to the root cause of your dog’s behaviors and find a sustainable balance in the teamwork between you and your dog - you have found the right place! Here at Blitz Dog Training, we empathize with all the daily frustrations: the rabbit holes Google sends us down, the money and time you may have already thrown at the issue for little (or worse) results, the unsolicited advice from both loved ones and strangers, and the perpetuated myths regarding dogs that make it hard to know what to believe works. Blitz Dog Training is here to be your final answer. Maybe we spend an hour together or maybe a few months - all depending on your individual dog, goals, and lifestyle - but our intention through training is harmony and ease between all members of your human-dog team for the rest of your time together. I want to see you and your dog as briefly as possible in the business-sense, then out and about together - on trails, in parks, or even settling down at a brewery - thriving and continuing to grow that bond!  


Blitz (noun): a sudden, energetic, and concerted effort, typically on a specific task.


Our philosophy: We are in the business of building confidence. Aversive tools or other “quick fixes” may seem to work to stop some unwanted behaviors but we have seen firsthand the repercussions from using these. We believe in true, long-term dog training: applied learning theory and behavior modification (as opposed to the suppression of emotions). By using ethical, science-based, Force-Free methods and getting down to the root cause of the issue(s) we can truly make both your and your dog’s lives easier. Together we'll make it as fun as possible for both sides of your human-dog team and in turn, you'll receive a bond beyond what you ever thought was possible.  


Blitz Dog Training's Areas of Expertise:

  • Behavior modification for reactivity, fear, anxiety, and/or aggression. 

    • Including on-leash reactivity, barrier frustration, over-excitability, separation anxiety, excessive barking in the home/yard, resource guarding, fear of noises/movements, aggression towards dogs/other species, etc.

  • Proactive socialization and other important puppy or new dog skills.

    • Including potty training, bite inhibition, sleep schedules, responding to basic cues, and breed/mix-specific socialization focuses.

  • Turning unwanted behaviors into the wanted.

    • Including preventing, reducing, and extinguishing: leash pulling, unreliable recall, over-the-top greetings, door-dashing, counter-surfing, ground grazing, request barking, excessive jumping, etc.​

  • Fun and games. 

    • ​Including non-walk ​forms of exercise (agility, nose work, enrichment activities) and getting young children involved safely. 





Already made the joke "I think I'm the one that needs training"?

It's not you and it's not the dog, we promise. But Blitz Dog Training is here to help mend the communication issues for both parties - even from thousands of miles away.


Why does Virtual Training work?

You live with your dog(s) and you do most of the "work" anyways but even inside and through the computer we can work set-ups and games to prepare you for the same behaviors in the real world!


Virtual Training Sessions save you time and money. They can be booked for more urgent needs and they provide all of the benefits BDT has to offer no matter where you are or what behavior you are dealing with.


All Virtual Training Sessions begin with a Virtual Initial Consultation



Ad hoc and discounted packages available. 


For certain issues it can be much more beneficial for a dog trainer to be there for added safety, to perfect timing of the training, or simply just for peace of mind.


And, of course, meeting people and their dog(s) in the real world is ideal! 


Each session will meet at your home unless otherwise specified.


Extra detailed notes/homework will be provided after each session, alongside open email/text/call availability for booked packages, to keep progress going between meetings.





All In-Person Training Sessions begin with a Virtual Initial Consultation.



Ad hoc and discounted packages available. 


Pre-Dog Counseling

  • Getting your first dog? Unsure what breed/mix will work best for your lifestyle? Feeling overwhelmed? The goal is never to steer you in one direction but rather set realistic expectations from the start. Let's work together to set you up for success well before the new family member arrives! 


Trainer Quick Chats

  • Google sending you into a tail spin? Think you're on the right track but have come across a new trigger or distraction? Have a not-so-quick question but don't need a full session? Happy to help! Book a 15 minute phone call with Gwen for added advice.​ No previous bookings needed. Available to anyone, anytime!


Group Classes

  • BDT offers curriculum for Puppy, Adolescent, and new Rescues of any age. Courses range from the basics, to upgrading those basics, to fun with agility and nose work sports, to aggression-based courses.

  • Starting Spring 2024



Click "PACKAGES & PRICING" tab for all pricing info, to read more about our services, & to book!


Contact BDT


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Check out BDT's Instagram for helpful tips and tricks!

Thank you!

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